jUSt LisTeN

2011年10月6日 星期四


Following Leeteuk as the first singer to make guest appearance on KBS news, Heechul being selected for the 4th consecutive year as MC for Dream Concert, together with multiple reports from Korea and overseas about <bonamana> topping the Taiwanese chart for 52 weeks continuously, SJ’s power in the international stage has finally been recognised, wondering if anyone feels a sense of achievement & pride? With the grand finale of 4jib (cough cough, the “grand” here has nothing to do with the packaging and acknowledgement, you know what I meant) signals the birth of 5jib. SJ members tweeted one after another, making us feel that 5jib is indeed on its way!</bonamana>

A new beginning, a new ray of hope. What has been your hope for 5jib? 13 championships? Going for Golden Disk Award Daesang once again? Burst the invisible bottle neck (Digital listening)? No matter what, we should understand the current trend of Korean music industry.
【韩国打榜统分方式 K-chart calculation:http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150207845630480.331171.716735479&l=ae204b3aaf】

All of us have seen the importance of digital listening is to Korean music market. With money to be made in digital music market, coupled with the withering of album sales market, resulted in the unbalance weightage between the two. I believe many of us almost fainted when we saw the percentage of album sales, only 5%-15%! Yes, under such tough situation, we can only see the light, with album sales that is of absolute lead. Normally, girl groups tend to fare better in digital listening, and a super popular song is much needed to gain the general public’s favour. SJ being an old boy band, SM loving its autotune, it is truly uncertain whether we can do well in digital listening. Furthermore, if SJ’s comeback is met with groups that have strong digital listening track records, we will then be faced with very fierce competition. Think about it, if we had what Heechul mentioned “500 thousand album sales”, we could have been spared the fate to be slaughtered? Then, everyone thought he was joking, after the painful lesson, we should have known better, his foresight wasn’t hinted strong enough…So when all of us are shouting “thriving 5jib”, please act on it. Album sales do not drop from the skies, please do not give up the only bet we can control. A huge album sales lead, is our only saving grace.

With the vast experience of being betrayed, the house of Sapphire Blue had suffered much. Thinking that Gaon chart was a god sent angel to right the wrong, we were bitterly disappointed with the disappearance on our Version B. Like the Chinese saying: All crows in the world are black.

It has been half a year since the ending of those year-end award ceremonies, some of us are still bearing the pain, some had digested most of the emotions, some forgotten the pain after the wound healed. Afterall, to many, this is an unforgettable painful memory that we wish never to mention again.

I simply cannot forget. I cannot forget the sick-to-the-point-that-he-almost-fainted Yesung who made little mistakes, yet still struggling to hold himself up. I cannot forget the high of all the members, turned to deep silence after the whispering of Leeteuk. I cannot forget Eunhyuk kept his head tilted up all the while, eventually gave a helpless glance to the ELFs behind him, the glance seem to fill with apology. I cannot forget when those were giving thank you speech with tears on stage, they were circling around below the stage, hands in hands, cheering for themselves. I cannot forget after everyone came comforting them, encouraging them, their shadows still look lonely in the midst of the crowd. I cannot forget Leeteuk keeping the thank you speech in his gloves, Heechul came through the mass after searching for him, walked over to hug him, to touch his face, and hugged the teary him to the back stage. I cannot forget the very night, every tweet from them was full of “I’m sorry”, “please don’t cry”, “thank you all of you”, “will work harder the next time”…

All the more I cannot forget the hardworking ELFs. Those ELFs, knowing that votes will go to waste, but for SJ’s pride, while looking back at the 29 seconds of glorious award video clip from previous year, continued to vote in MAMA; those ELFs, who burnt both the midnight oil and their money for Golden Disk Award, hoping that it will give us the long deserved recognition; those ELFs, while complaining about the unbearable packaging of version A (without even a decent box to keep the cd), still brought back boxes of albums; those ELFs, who cried rivers & oceans on facebook & twitter after the incident, licked their wounds in silent.

One fellow ELF said: “we have won, we won in terms of absolute data, won when our men go hand in hand; won when we can glare with grace into the dirty and ugly; won with the might on stage even when wearing old costumes; won with the countless “thank you” and “sorry” between the idols and fans. Even when the whole world crushed our hope and efforts under its feet, our men had taught us over & again, when the going gets tough, the tough get going.”

That's right. Despite us losing all faith in Korean’s so-call “authority”, despite us getting sick of the company’s “policies”, despite us gaining all “insight”, thinking that as long as the men can get world recognition, those awards are but bubbles in the air, despite us getting ready to be sacrificed again, it should not mean we have given up, willing to bow down to the evil force. The result is not something we can control, but the journey is. Chance is only given to those who are ready and willing to put in effort. If we do not seize the opportunity, we will lose not only those awards, but also our pride.

The biggest revenge, is to achieve what others think you could not. When others are anticipating the house of Sapphire Blue to accept failure, we must succeed, when others hope the house of Sapphire Blue to lose faith, we should prove that we have gained more. When others expect the house of Sapphire Blue to allow others to slaughter us, we have to show the world, we must conquer all these unscrupulous tactics. Since SJ is not backing down, why should we be running away?

也许到最后,年底的悲情会再次上演,我们还是要面对残酷的现实,无论如何,只要我们尽力,也不枉一段这麽的回忆。败,也要败得光明磊落。要是我们的努力,还是不敌商业利益,那麽,我们就拾人牙慧,潇洒离场吧。「拿不到奖不等于输,拿到奖也算不上赢。宁可拿不到奖,有人替我不甘;总好过拿到奖,有人觉得我不值。」by Wyman Wong
Maybe, at the end of it, the year end tragedy will be repeat itself, we might have to face the cruel reality, but whatever it may be, as long as we give our best, the memory is worth it. Even if we were to lose, we must lose with honour. If our efforts, cannot triumph over commercial gains, then, we can at least leave with grace. “Not winning an award doesn’t mean losing, getting the award may not mean winning either. I rather not win the award, but have others to feel unjust for me, then to get the award, but having others thinking I am not worth it” by Wyman Wong.

However, like Heechul said, <bonamana>’s record can only be broken by the new song from 5jib. Our records, can only be conquered by us! In conjunction with ELF’s naming anniversary, bluebaby, give yourself the power to move on!</bonamana>
cr:man kyuu

Author: 蕾蕾 & Michelle Fung
Translator: Jeslyn Ho

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